Wednesday, May 10, 2006


i got to thinkin today about friendships and other such relationships. it's interesting. i love people. i love knowing them. relating in different ways with them. but it always hurts when they leave your life. yeah they will always be a part of my life. i wont let it be any other way. those that i get close with... i cant let them leave. not completely. but i hate it when something happens that makes it come to a hault. i grow to love certain people. and when they leave... when you dont seem to be around them or as close to them anymore... it always hurts so much. it gets me thinking. is it worth it. are relationships worth the hurt. well of course they have to be right? will relationships be preserved into the next life? one must wonder


Marci Lewellen said...

Don't worry sarah... I know this blog was brought on by the fact that it has been a long time since we have seen eachother. But, really I am not to far away and with the cellular technology, and internet... everyone is sorta close. :) Okay, so maybe I am not the cause of this heart aching blog... but I love you. And you will spend forever with many of your peeps. Eternity is not so far away.

sarah said...

yeah your right marci. this is not brought on by you and richard. It is brought about by others around me. those even that are the same physical distance from me, but for some reason seem more distant. im sorry i know that i dont write as deep or as long of blogs as richard. but this all i have right now.

Marci Lewellen said...

ummm... I like reading your stuff... but it does make me miss you and wish we were closer both by location and relationship. I mean we are sisters :) love you...

sarah said...

im sorry marci. its always been hard for me to get close to people. and the fact that we have never really been around each other for more than a couple weeks doesnt make the whole situation better. im sorry. i am a big computer person so we can always talk that way.

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.