Monday, May 15, 2006


i went outside today. took a bike ride to the park and sat outside and read one of my many books... still not done with it.... but i ended up sitting out there for a couple hours. i am officially burnt. my skin now has this nice shade of red to it. i think my farmers tan is almost gone... thats good. but anyway.... its funny. as much as sunburns can hurt.. they kindof feel good as well. there is a sense of having done something when you get a sunburn. i didnt spend the day inside. more than i have done in a long time. its nice. i miss the outside. there are so many great things that come with it. but ok... i need to get back to reading... i am almost halfway through the first book. i just hope more didnt arrive in the mail today...


richard said...

hooray for reading crabs!

sarah said...

oh yeah... and i went out again today.... even more burnt

Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!