Thursday, October 05, 2006

howdy all

alright.. i actually have some time to write something. well actually i dont... but i ran out of things to do at work. so here i am. life has been going alright.... some aspects are good some not as good. but hey what ya gonna do. thus is life right. i find myself really missing jordan sometimes. things there are so nicely slow paced. i loved it. things here are so hectic. i still havent finished my classes for jordan. i now officially have two F's on the transcript. oh how life is grand. it will get done though. soon enough. i have only two papers left. maybe... just maybe i can get one done this weekend. wouldnt that be amazing.

but yeah... enough of that... it's good to be back on campus after fall break. i really love the people and the community that JBU gives me. it's just what i need at this point in my life. i know these friends will always stand by me... and i hope that i can do the same for them.

oh... and for some things that i have been learning.... i never really thought about this... but i think it may be true.... there really are such things as love languages... some give things... some give time... some use touch... some use encouraging words.... and so on.... its just interesting... what i still have yet to learn... but really want to learn is how to receive love in a sincere way that is not necessarily the way that you best receive love. for example... i dont really receive giving as love... i would much rather have touch and quality time and stuff like that... kind words... and so on... gifts dont mean as much to me... but i want to learn how to see that and accept that kindof love as more than just a physical gift and have mean love.... if anyone has suggestions... let me know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I love you!

just get some benefactor to give you a million dollars and you won't have any problem learning to receive as a love language.

Or how about the receiving of Jesus Christ? that's worth even more than a million dollars.

And...I know what you mean. I think I'm more a talker, toucher, quality timer than I am a get me a present-er...maybe.